8 semesters - 48 months
1st April or
1st October
335 Euro / month
Distance learning / Online
Would you like to take on management responsibility and learn how to set up companies internationally for the future?
The Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration (B.A.) by distance learning is the ideal choice for anyone who wants to face the challenges of the business world with ambition.
And all this aspart-time and online studies! If you would prefer to study full-time, you can find all the information about the Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration full-time here.
International business administration and international management deal with the analysis and management of business processes and corporate strategies in a global context. This includes areas such as corporate strategy, intercultural competence, business knowledge, legal framework conditions,financing and controlling, marketing and sales as well as sustainable and international managementto successfully position and manage companies on international markets.
In our digital Bachelor’s degree program, you will not only learn how companies work, but also how they can operate successfully on a global scale. At our university, you will learn about the requirements of digitalization and sustainability for companies of the future, what successful processes for transformation and optimization look like, how international marketingfinance and human resources are applied in practice, and how psychology can be used in business.
That’s what you’re looking for, isn’t it? If you would like to find out more about the part-time Bachelor’s degree or digital studies at our online university, then arrange a consultation directly or have our digital brochure on distance learning at the INU sent to you.
Im Modul Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
lernst du alle Unternehmensbereiche kennen;
von Unternehmensstrategie, Finanzierung, Einkauf und Logistik
bis Marketing, Vertrieb & Controlling.
Im Modul Mikro- & Makroökonomie
lernst du wie Unternehmen als kleine Wirtschaftseinheit und
im großen, volkswirtschaftlichen Kontext funktionieren.
In den Modulen Wirtschaftsmathematik und Statistik I & II
werden alle Grundlagen für das Verständnis von
Unternehmensentwicklung, Finanzierung und Controlling gelegt.
Im Modul Bürgerliches Recht & Arbeitsrecht
lernst du alles über das Privatrecht, das Arbeitsrecht
sowie damit verbundene Verträge, Vorschriften, Rechte und Gesetze.
Im Modul Handels- & Gesellschaftsrecht
verstehst du, was sich hinter den begriffen Kaufmann, Handelsfirma,
kaufmännischem Rechtsverkehr und Gesellschaftsformen verbirgt.
Im Modul Wirtschaftsenglisch & interkulturelle Kompetenzen
erweiterst du dein Englisch um Business English und wirst verhandlungssicher,
und du lernst kulturelle Besonderheiten im internationalen Wirtschaftskontext kennen.
Im Modul Wirtschafts- & Unternehmensethik
werden ethische Fragestellungen bei Entscheidungen in Unternehmen
und Fragen von Globalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit beleuchtet.
Im Modul Agiles Projektmanagement
treten Methoden des agilen Arbeitens wie hybrides Projektmanagement
oder Scrum den vergleich zum klassischen Projektmanagement an.
Im Modul Unternehmensplanspiel
kommen alle Prinzipien und Methoden praktisch in einem fiktiven Unternehmensspiel zum Einsatz.
Im Modul Digitales Marketing & Geschäftsmodelle
dreht sich alles um Online Marketing mit SEA, SEO, Social Ads, E-Mail Marketing & co.
Im Module International Corporate Communication
lernst du wie Unternehmen mit ihren Mitarbeitenden im Unternehmen und
mit Kunden außerhalb des Unternehmens kommunizieren, und das auf globaler Ebene.
Im Modul Digitale Transformation
setzt du dich mit den Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten der Digitalisierung
im Unternehmen, der Wirtschaft & Industrie und Gesellschaft auseinander.
Im Modul Strategische Planung im internationalen Marketing
stehen die internationale Entwicklung und Vermarktung eines Unternehmens im Mittelpunkt.
Im Modul Instrumente des internationalen Marketings
schaust du dir Marketingmaßnahmen und -strategien für globale Märkte an.
Im Modul Forschung, Analyse & Controlling im internationalen Marketing
werden diese Methoden und Prozesse des Marketingmanagements auf internationaler Ebene beleuchtet.
Im Modul Intercultural Psychology
liegt der Fokus auf interkulturellem Management und interkultureller Kommunikation.
Im Modul International Corporate Strategy
geht es um internationale Strategiefindung und strategisches Denken und Handeln im globalen Kontext.
Im Modul International Economic Relations
setzt du dich mit den Besonderheiten internationaler Wirtschaftsbeziehungen
und internationaler Zusammenarbeit und Integration auseinander.
Im Modul Internationales Management von Non-Profit Organisationen
geht es um Strategien, Fundraising, Marketing, Finanzmanagement und Controlling für Non-Profit Unternehmen.
Im Modul nachhaltige Geschäftsprozesse und Organisation
stehen die internen Prozesse eines Unternehmens im Mittelpunkt; wie also ein Unternehmen intern und extern nachhaltig agieren kann.
Im Modul nachhaltige digitale Zukunft von Arbeit und Leben
dreht sich alles um Arbeit 4.0 und Arbeitsformen und Arbeitsorganisation im digitalen Zeitalter.
im Schwerpunkt Personalpsychologie
geht es um Personalmarketing und Recruiting sowie Personaldiagnostik und Personalentwicklung und Personalbeurteilung.
der Schwerpunkt Psychologie des Wandels und der digitalen Transformation
beschäftigt sich mit den Themenfeldern Psychologie der Arbeit und neuer Arbeitsformen, digitaler Führung im Management
und Verhaltensveränderung und Nachhaltigkeit in der digitalen Transformation.
Im Schwerpunkt Markt-, Werbe- und Medienpsychologie
dreht sich alles um Markt- und Werbepsychologie, Medienpsychologie und Methoden der psychologischen Marktforschung.
The Start:
Business Knowledge
e.g. with Modules in
Legal Skills
e.g. with Modules in
Intercultural Skills
e.g. with Modules in
e.g. with Modules in
Business Practice
e.g. with Modules in
Internationales Marketing
With Modules in
Focus Area International Management
With Modules in
Focus Area Sustainable Management
with the modules:
Alternative: Focus Area Business Psychology
with the modules:
In the first phase, the “Introductory project for self-organized learning” prepares you to organize the coming semesters independently and to access all information from any location. You will acquire skills in digital communication and collaboration. This makes your entry into digital studies much easier.
by the Ministry of Culture & Science NRW
by the Accreditation Council Foundation
in 8 semesters - 48 months
of courses completed elsewhere
online with laptop/ PC and Internet
or waiting semester
335 Euros per month
2,010 Euros per semester
Total 16,080 Euros
Summer Semester & Winter Semester
Prof. Eckehard Krah on digital studies at INU and how online studies at our university work with short learning videos and live online teaching. Tune in!
Get all the information you need here!
International Business Administration (B.A.)
ECTS semester points | |||||||
Module name |
Subject area: Introduction to Self-Organized Learning * | |||||||
Introductory Project for Self-Organized Learning |
Subject area: Fundamentals of Economics | |||||||
Fundamentals of Business Administration |
Microeconomics |
External and Internal Accounting |
Macroeconomics |
Subject area: Mathematics, Statistics and Research Methods | |||||||
Business Mathematics |
Statistics I |
Academic Work and Empirical Research Methods |
Business Intelligence and Data Science Management |
Subject Area: Legal Skills | |||||||
Civil Law and Labor Law |
Commercial and Corporate Law |
Subject Area: Business English and Intercultural Competencies | |||||||
Business English and Intercultural Communication |
Business and Corporate Ethics |
Subject area: Practical Skills | |||||||
Agile Project Management |
Practical Project |
Business Simulation |
Subject area: Business Practice | |||||||
Digital Marketing and Business Models |
International Human Resources Management |
International Corporate Communication and Relationship Management |
Financial Analysis |
International Strategic Management |
Psychology of Communication |
Corporate Accounting and Taxation |
Digital Transformation |
International Supply Chain Management |
International Sales Management |
Innovation Management und Entrepreneurship |
Systemic Coaching |
Subject Area: Electives | |||||||
Specialisation I |
Specialisation II |
Subject area: Bachelor examination | |||||||
Bachelor thesis |
Total ECTS semester points |
Total overall ECTS points | 180 |
* The introductory project on self-organized learning is an optional, extra-curricular module aimed at first-year students before the start of the lecture period, which provides knowledge of the online systems to be used in the course of study as well as methods for self-organization.
These can be chosen as the first and second Focus Area
ECTS semester points | |||||||
Module name |
International Marketing Management | |||||||
Strategic Planning in International Marketing Management |
Instruments of International Marketing Management |
Research, Analysis and Controlling in International Marketing Management |
International Management | |||||||
Intercultural Psychology |
International Corporate Strategy |
International Economic Relations |
Sustainable Management | |||||||
International Management of Non-Profit Organizations |
Sustainable Business Processes, Organization and Reporting |
Sustainable Digital Future of Work and Life |
The second Specialisation may be chosen alternatively from the following options:
ECTS semester points | |||||||
Module name |
Personnel Psychology | |||||||
Personnel Marketing and Recruiting |
Personnel Diagnostics |
Personnel Development and Personnel Appraisal |
Behavioral Change and Sustainability in Digital Transformation | |||||||
Psychology of Work and new Forms of Work |
Digital Leadership and Management |
Behavioral Change and Sustainability in Digital Transformation |
Market, Advertising and Media Psychology | |||||||
Market and Advertising Psychology |
Media Psychology |
Methods of Psychological Market Research |
Choose two specializations from the International Business Administration degree program and extend your knowledge in two internationally oriented areas:
You choose a specialization from the International Business Administration degree program and another specialization from the digital Bachelor's degree program in Business Psychology :
A Bachelor’s degree in International Business Administration opens up various career and professional paths as a manager.
WHERE? Either you work in one of the divisions of an international company or group, or you go into management consultancy and advise various companies on possible international strategies, or you opt for a career in marketing management.
Here you play a key role in shaping the future development of a company. Recognizing trends at an early stage, continuously monitoring markets and developing successful market entry strategies – these are all part of your job.
As a marketing manager, you adapt international campaigns to country-specific circumstances, define goals and develop strategies and measures within the budget and time frame.
This activity is possible both within the company and in an internationally operating advertising agency.
Responsibility for sustainability management: You ensure compliance with internal and external standards and develop strategies to reduce CO2 emissions and increase sustainability.
This activity is possible both in companies and in management consulting.
Get all the information you need here!
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