Being by your Side
during your Studies

Good Care is half the Battle

We put great importance on providing you with the best possible support during your studies at INU. After all, studying at INU is not only digital, but also personal and individual.

In addition to the many freedoms and advantages, digital self-study also presents some challenges. In this form of learning, which may still be quite new to you, we are happy to be at your side and guide you through your studies.

Your onboarding in digital learning at INU

At the beginning you are prepared for studying with the comprehensive module “Introductory Project for Self-Organized Learning”. You will gain insight into how to organize your studies optimally and be made familiar with the application of important digital communication tools.

Consultation hours,
Tutorials and co.

In all modules, you have the opportunity to discuss questions about the course content, assignments or exams with the lecturers in one-to-one consultations at any time. In tutorials, which take place online and offline, there is the opportunity to deepen study content by means of questions and tasks and to apply them to practical examples. Even if you have a learning slump and need a motivational boost, we will help you keep your study goals in sight.

And of course the INU community of your fellow students is also very important: network with students from other degree programs! It’s easier to learn together! Together you are strong!

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Wonderful that you want to learn more about the study programs at INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences. Request your information material here – free of charge and without obligation.

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Ekaterina Arndt

Interessenten- und

E-Mail Adresse: [email protected]
Telefon: + 49 (0) 221 6699 2133