Markus Haas is the CEO of fonial GmbH and studied law at the universities of Bonn and Cologne.
President of the INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Tobias Engelsleben has extensive experience in the management of private educational institutions.
After completing his doctorate at the University of Cologne, he initially worked as a marketing and strategy consultant at the consulting firm Simon-Kucher & Partners. In 2003, he became the founding dean and professor at Provadis University in Frankfurt/Main, where he was responsible for the development and expansion of academic programs. In 2005, he moved to Hochschule Fresenius. There, he initially worked for the Department of Business & Media in Cologne as a professor, program director, and dean. The department’s development tasks included the expansion to additional locations (Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Düsseldorf). In 2011, Prof. Engelsleben also took on the role of vice president of the department, and in 2016, he became president and managing director, taking on cross-departmental responsibilities. Under his leadership, Hochschule Fresenius grew from about 1,500 to nearly 20,000 students. As president and academic managing director of the university’s parent company, he led the executive board and senate and was the supervisor of the academic staff. Under his guidance, the university was successfully accredited by the German Science Council and achieved system accreditation. Since January 1, he has been working for the INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences. He is responsible for the university’s academic staff and the further development of teaching and research. As a professor, the doctoral business expert has taught in the fields of general business administration, marketing, and corporate management.
Vice President of INU and Professor for International Business Administration
[email protected]
Prof. Dr. Ute Gartzen-Wiegand is Vice President of INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences. As Professor of International Business Administration, she teaches Agile Project Management at INU.
Prof. Dr. Gartzen-Wiegand completed her doctorate at the renowned Laboratory for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (WZL) at RWTH Aachen University under Prof. Dr. Günther Schuh after completing her degree in business administration at RWTH Aachen University and a subsequent master’s degree with a focus on finance at Hult Business School in London. As a research assistant, she was involved in teaching, research and several industrial consulting projects at the Chair of Production Systems.
Since 2009, she has supported the establishment of “RWTH Aachen Campus GmbH”, which is responsible for the development of cross-research and cross-industry networking and close cooperation between science and industry in a total of 16 research clusters covering an area of over 800,000m² on site.
After completing her doctorate at RWTH Aachen University in the field of university-related research clusters, Ms. Gartzen-Wiegand was responsible for economic development as a working group leader for the Aachen city region. In this area, she initiated and was responsible for various regional and interregional funding projects on the topic of technology and innovation transfer.
In 2016, she was appointed Professor of Industrial Management at the European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH). The EUFH was acquired by the Klett Group in 2016 and merged with the Cologne Business School (CBS) in 2022.
In addition to her teaching activities as a professor, Dr. Gartzen-Wiegand was particularly involved in the development of the Aachen location of EUFH, where she was head of the university’s fastest-growing degree program. Parallel to her activities at EUFH, she also held other teaching positions at RWTH Aachen, FH Aachen and RFH Cologne.
At INU, Prof. Dr. Gartzen-Wiegand teaches “Agile Project Management” in the “International Business Administration” course.
Board of Directors
[email protected]
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Bernhard has been a member of the Executive Board of INU – Innovative University AG since January 2022.
As the sole director of the state-recognized “INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences”, he is responsible for the management of the university as Chancellor, which he also represents externally. As CDO (Chief Digital Officer), he is also responsible for all digital matters relating to the administrative and academic online operations of the innovative INU.
From the beginning of 2018 until the end of 2021, Dr. Bernhard worked at 3P Assistant GmbH and AachenInstitut GmbH as a management and IT consultant with a focus on education and higher education. His core tasks included interim management projects in the IT and development sector of various companies, with a focus on education. The focus was primarily on business intelligence projects and process optimization in various companies of the COGNOS Group, which includes the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and the Ludwig Fresenius Schools as well as a number of other well-known national and international educational institutions.
Prior to this, he worked as a management consultant and authorized signatory at Bronk & Company GmbH from 2014 to 2017. In addition to IT management, his activities there focused primarily on consulting mandates in the areas of business intelligence for dimensioning production, process optimization and simulation of production processes as well as university administration programs in the education sector.
Dr. Bernhard can also look back on many years of experience as a university lecturer in the fields of computer science, SAP and project management. Between 2011 and 2014, he also managed the cross-location introduction of a Salesforce-based sales platform at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences and other educational institutions in the COGNOS Group as Head of IT. This also included the migration of various legacy systems and the centralized introduction of a uniform university administration and student platform for all Fresenius University locations.
After his engineering studies and parallel to his doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at RWTH Aachen University, he worked from 1995 to 1999 as a research assistant and group leader at the Foundry Institute of RWTH Aachen University. This was followed by various professional positions from 1999 to 2011, including at DaimlerChrysler AG at the Ulm Research Center and PSI Metals Non Ferrous GmbH, before he turned his attention increasingly to the education sector.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Since September 2021, Prof. Dr. Pradel has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board of INU – Innovative University AG, which is the sponsor of INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences. He has also been a member of the INU University Council since December 2023.
Previously, he was a member of the Supervisory Board (from mid-2018 to April 2022) of COGNOS AG, where he was appointed as a member of the Executive Board from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2017. In the period between the termination of his Executive Board mandate and the assumption of his Supervisory Board mandate, he continued to actively support COGNOS AG in an advisory capacity. As a member of the board of COGNOS AG, he was responsible in particular for the Management & Design department as well as for the Business Development and Internationalization departments. In his advisory role, he has primarily been involved in various strategic development projects of the Group.
Supervisory Board Member
Dr. jur. Markus Wollweber has been a member of the Supervisory Board of INU – Innovative University AG since September 2021.
He has been a partner at Streck Mack Schwedhelm Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Partnerschaft mbB in Cologne since 2010, where he works as a lawyer specializing in tax law. After graduating with a degree in finance from the Fachhochschule für Steuern und Finanzen in Nordkirchen, he studied law in Greifswald and Cologne, completing his studies with the 2nd state examination and a doctorate in law. Dr. Wollweber was admitted to the bar in 2006.
In addition to his work as a lawyer, he has been active for many years as a specialist author of numerous legal publications and specialist articles as well as a regular speaker and expert on tax and legal topics.
Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Müller-Späth is co-founder of INU – Innovative University AG, as sponsor of INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences.
He also acted as a founding board member of the AG until the end of 2021 and then moved to the supervisory board of the parent company as deputy chairman and he has also been a member of the INU University Council since December 2023.
After completing his doctorate at RWTH Aachen University, he worked as an entrepreneur, shareholder and entrepreneur in the fields of materials development and plant engineering worldwide. Since 2008, his focus has shifted to management consulting with a focus on M&A and strategy consulting as well as business development. Parallel to his professional activities, he has many years of teaching experience and has been increasingly active in the field of higher education for many years.
Building on his many years of teaching activities in the key areas of “Change and Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship” as well as “Quality Management” and “Business Mathematics” at various universities and educational institutions, Mr. Müller-Späth was appointed professor at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in 2007. In addition to his part-time teaching activities, he developed various internationalization strategies for a large educational institution and implemented a large number of international educational cooperations and exchange programs in this context. In addition, Mr. Müller-Späth has been involved in the field of start-ups for many years, in particular by supporting young company founders from the business idea to the implementation of the business concept in all steps towards self-employment.
Supervisory Board Member
Markus Haas is the CEO of fonial GmbH and studied law at the universities of Bonn and Cologne.
Markus Haas studied law at the University of Bonn and the University of Cologne. After completing his studies, he held various positions in industry and commerce before founding finocom AG in 2007 as one of three co-founders. Finocom AG is a leading provider of virtual telephone systems. As CFO, he oversaw the sales process of finocom AG to Broadsoft Inc. in December 2013.
At the end of 2014, Mr. Haas co-founded fonial GmbH with QSC AG, a leading provider of cloud telecommunications services for the SME segment. After establishing fonial GmbH as managing director, he facilitated the 100% acquisition of fonial GmbH by Plusnet GmbH in 2023, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EnBW. He continues to serve as managing director of fonial GmbH to this day. In addition, he is involved with companies across various industries.
The experienced entrepreneur Haas has many years of experience in cloud services, online marketing, and investor relations.
Professor for International Business Administration
[email protected]
As a constant point of contact, he accompanies students digitally and personally through their studies until they successfully complete their degree. In addition to teaching the course content, activating and motivating communication with the students plays an important role for Mr. Krah for the future learning and study success of the students.
Previously, Mr. Krah gained extensive experience in teaching and student support as Academic Director at EC Europa Campus in Frankfurt/M., Mannheim and Karlsruhe.
Prior to his teaching activities, Mr. Krah worked in a company for innovation technology. In this context, he worked with international partners to develop prototypes for a self-sufficient water treatment plant for use in regions with little drinking water. Following this activity, Mr. Krah completed his doctorate at the University of Siegen at the Chair of Innovation and Competence Management on the topic of “Dialogue-oriented product design: more inventive – more cooperative – more sustainable”. Since 2020, Mr. Krah has been working on a second dissertation in London on the topic of persuasive stakeholder communication in crisis situations. Mr. Krah is also active as an author and editor.
Professor Krah is honorary chairman of the Anneliese and Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Waldemar Wittmann in Königstein (Ts.), Frankfurt/M., Burbach (Siegerl.) as well as President of the Jung-Stilling-Gesellschaft e.V. Siegen and member of numerous societies and associations for the promotion of literature and culture.
Professor for Business Psychology
[email protected]
He held a two-year visiting professorship in methodology at the Brandenburg Medical School in 2020 and has been working on an EU research project on digital and agile leadership at the Otto Friedrich University of Bamberg since 2022.
His research focuses on cognitive processes and social preferences. Further interests of his research activities lie in the areas of allocation markets, price negotiations, decision heuristics and strategy choice. His publications have appeared internationally in journals such as the Journal of Socio-Economics, Journal of Experimental Economics, Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology, European Accounting Review, Review of Economic Design, Economica, International Journal of Game Theory and the Journal of Economic Psychology.
At the INU, Dr. habil. Philipp E. Otto will head the “Business Psychology” course from the winter semester 2023/24 and teach courses in methodology, among other things.
Professor for Psychology
[email protected]
As part of his doctorate, he supervised the reorganization of operational qualification at the headquarters of BASF SE in Ludwigshafen from 2011-2013. Since 2014, he has worked as a consultant for INEOS GmbH in Cologne, among others in the chemical industry.
After completing his doctorate at the DSHS Cologne in the field of work and organizational psychology, Dr. Albrecht worked as a consultant in industrial projects.
In 2016, Dr. Albrecht became a lecturer at the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in Cologne, where he took over the management of the part-time business psychology course. Parallel to his work at the university, he worked for the Skip Institute as Scientific Director for virtual reality projects.
Since 2022, he has gained a wide range of experience in the areas of management training and assessment centers as a senior consultant for a medium-sized management consultancy.
University Teaching Methods & E-Learning
[email protected]
University Exams Coordintaor
[email protected]
Research Assistant
[email protected]
Anja Gaugigl has been a research associate at INU since February 2023.
She studied psychology at the Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg. She also completed her master’s degree there in 2022. She focused on topics of personnel development, leadership and health in the workplace.
Head of Prospect and Applicant Management
[email protected]
Social Media Content Creator
[email protected]
Marketing & PR
[email protected]
University Administration
[email protected]
Mobile App Developer
[email protected]
Video and Media Production
[email protected]
Under the auspices of
INU – Innovative University AG
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