The digital
at INU

You will become part of the INUverse

Being part of a digital community is like being immersed in a virtual family, a community of like-minded people who have similar interests and passions as you and are pursuing the same goal. In the INUversum, you are part of the digital INU community, you share your thoughts, ideas and experiences with other students, make new friends, find inspiration, support and are closely connected even over long distances.

The INUversum

In addition to small study groups, there are also other virtual meetings and hangouts outside of everyday study life. The INUversum becomes your space for creative exchange, discussions and discovering new horizons. With your commitment, ideas and contributions, you actively shape the INUversum.

Is the INU the right place for me?

You like what you read here, but still have a few questions?

Are you still undecided which degree program suits you best?

As this is about you and your future, we won’t leave you on your own when making such an important decision!

We are happy to advise you on all questions relating to your studies, application and funding options. Your student advisor will help you with all your questions – in person on site, by phone or digitally.

We look forward to seeing you!

Here is your direct line
to our Student Advisors:

If you have any questions about studying full-time at the INU or the study programs in general, you can contact our student advisory service here without any obligation.

Azize INU Studentin

"I've met a lot of nice people. We have all become very close and there is generally a very friendly atmosphere here"

Aliyah INU Studentin

"The group here is super great and super friendly and it's great fun to study here"

Request information material now

We are happy that you have decided to learn everything about your studies and the INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences. Request your information material here – free of charge and without obligation.

Zu welchem Studiengang möchtest du Informationen?

Wann wünschst du dir, bei uns anzufangen?

Deine Kontaktdaten

Which degree program would you like information on?

Your contact details

Which degree program would you like information on?

Your contact details

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Dann rufe uns direkt an:


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[email protected]
+ 49 170 5445 514

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