Are you still undecided which degree program suits you best? As this is about you and your future, we won't leave you on your own when making such an important decision! We are happy to advise you on all questions relating to your studies, application and funding options. Your student advisor will help you with all your questions - in person on site, by phone or digitally. We look forward to seeing you!
Would you like to learn more about the INU and your course of study?
Do you have questions about our application process or other topics relating to your studies at INU?
Book your personal consultation appointment for our degree programs and various other topics. You will have all your questions answered by our student advisors.
Contact for companies interested in the INU Academy programs
Advises: on the overall concept of studying at the INU, i.e. what it means to study digitally and flexibly, supports you personally in the application process, answers all questions about financing and the study contract.
Ekaterina Arndt
Prospect and Applicant Management
E-mail address: [email protected]
Phone: + 49 221 669921 33
Under the auspices of
INU – Innovative University AG
State-recognized and accredited
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