The digital
INU Library

As a digital university, INU has its own comprehensive online library with compulsory reading, supplementary specialist journals, studies, statistics and much more. When you start your studies, you will gain access to the digital INU library directly in the App and can access specialist literature online at any time and from any location.

No more lugging heavy books around! Literature is digital at INU

The online library of the INU is mapped via EBSCO’s “Discovery Service”, which provides licensed databases and eBooks as well as numerous OpenAccess contents and enables detailed and thorough searches in EBSCO’s complete catalog. You can use your individual access with “MyEBSCO” to manage searches, create research projects and make digital loans.

Via “MyEBSCO” you can obtain your compulsory literature directly in sustainable e-book format and broaden your horizons even further in the integrated Business Source Premier database with over 4000 specialist journals and magazines.

One search, one source search, one library: all in the digital INU library.

Many platforms and publishers in one app

In the INU App, you have access to EBSCO’s complete catalog for your research and source searches. With Statista, the online platform for statistical data, reports and infographics, you can research and visualize current information on various topics. The compulsory literature for the degree programs consists of book titles and textbooks from various publishers such as Springer, DeGruyter, Vahlen, Kohlhammer, Schäffer-Poeschel. The range is also supplemented by a selection of psychological journals from Hogrefe Verlag and online learning offers from Pearson Verlag.

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