Admission Requirements for Studying at INU

University Entrance Qualifications

  • The Allgemeine Hochschulreife (general higher education entrance qualification) (Abitur / High School Diploma) gives entitles to pursue a Bachelor degree
  • The Fachhochschulreife (university of applied sciences entrance qualification) (Fachabitur / Vocational Baccalaureate Diploma) entitles you to study at a university of applied sciences
  • The fachgebundene Hochschulreife (subject-specific higher-education entrance qualification) entitles you to study a particular subject in the German state that issued the certificate
  • A Bachelor degree is also possible without a higher education entrance qualification.
    A distinction is made between
    • Access based on vocational advanced further training
    • Access based on appropriate vocational training and professional experience
    • Access based on an entrance examination or a trial course of study

Do you have any questions? Contact us! We are happy to check your personal situation!

Language skills

Applicants from abroad who have not grown up in Germany or a German-speaking country need proof of their German language proficiency. The required level is “DSH 2 according to the German language skills test for university access”.


Have you already completed a course of study or vocational education and training at another university?
Then perhaps achievements can be recognized and credited to your dgree at INU.

Talk to us! We will be happy to check whether you meet the requirements for recognition.

Why is INU the right university for me?

As a digital university, INU allows you to tailor your distance learning course to your needs and gives you the freedom you need to balance your commitments with your wishes and studies.

All online degree programs at INU are:

  • state recognized and accredited
  • Approved by the Central Office for Distance Learning (ZFU)
  • Available full-time and part-time
  • Independent of time and space
  • Very well supported by the teachers
  • Digital and yet very personal

Do you still have questions? Would you like to know whether your previous achievements can be recognized at another university? We will be happy to advise you on ECTS. If you are aiming for a career in business management, request our information material on distance learning in business administration. If you are interested in marketing and social media management, you can also enrol in this course at INU starting in the Winter Semester 2024. If you are more interested in psychology, then take a look at our distance learning courses in psychology or business psychology.

Do you still have questions?

Would you like to know whether your previous achievements can be recognized at another university? We will be happy to advise you on the subject of ECTS. If you are aiming for a career in business management, request our information material on distance learning in business administration. If you are interested in marketing and social media management, you can also take up this course at INU from winter semester 2024. If you are more interested in psychology, then take a look at our distance learning programs in psychology or business psychology.

Here is your direct line
to our Student Advisors:

If you have any questions about studying full-time at INU or the study programs in general, you can contact our student advisory service here without any obligation.

Request information material now

Wonderful that you want to learn more about the study programs at INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences. Request your information material here – free of charge and without obligation.

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