At the INU, you can study 100% digitally full-time or part-time with maximum time flexibility.

Your financing options


If you fulfill the requirements of the Federal Training Assistance Act – also known as BAföG – then you can benefit from a maximum funding rate of currently 934 euros per month.

  • Maximum funding rate currently 934 euros per month
  • BAföG is tailored to your individual needs.
  • Find out more now from the Kölner Studierendenwerk AöR responsible for you: Contact details at

Education loans:

Various banks and companies offer special loans for students that include fair repayment conditions. These include, for example:

  • KfW student loan
  • Education loan from the Federal Government
  • Festo Education Fund
  • Student loan auxmoney


Sponsors for the Gifted and Talented as well as foundations and organizations support outstanding students financially during their university education. There are a total of 13 organizations for the promotion of gifted students in Germany, such as

  • Foundation of the German People
  • Hans Böckler Foundation
  • Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  • sdw – Foundation of German Business
  • sbb advancement or further training scholarship

Here is your direct line
to our Student Advisors:

If you have any questions about studying full-time at INU or the study programs in general, you can contact our student advisory service here without any obligation.

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Ekaterina Arndt

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E-Mail Adresse: [email protected]
Telefon: + 49 (0) 221 6699 2133