Appointment of Prof. Dr. Malte Albrecht

It is our great pleasure and honor to announce that Dr. Malte Albrecht has been appointed Professor at INU! This is another solemn occasion that we would like to share. We are sure that Professor Albrecht will enrich our team and provide valuable knowledge and skills to our students. Once again, we extend our sincere congratulations on his appointment and wish him every success and happiness in his new role as a professor at INU. More info at: More about our team at INU at:



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Ekaterina Arndt

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E-Mail Adresse: [email protected]
Telefon: + 49 (0) 221 6699 2133

Ekaterina beantwortet dir alle Fragen zum Studium an der INU

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Ekaterina Arndt

Interessenten- und

E-Mail Adresse: [email protected]
Telefon: + 49 (0) 221 6699 2133

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