Study Duration:

8 Semester - 48 months


1st October


335 Euro / month

Form of execution

Distance learning / Online



Getting ahead in your job: Start your part-time distance learning course in Business Psychology now

If you are interested in topics such as market and consumer behavior, organizational psychology or personnel management with employee development and retention or the improvement of employee satisfaction in companies, the Business Psychology course at INU is just right for you.

Getting started with our distance learning program is easy. At INU, your journey to a Bachelor’s degree in Business Psychology is online, flexible and perfect for working people. You can organize your part-time learning journey from anywhere and fitting to your schedule.

What is Business Psychology?

Business psychology is an interdisciplinary field that applies the findings of psychology to the world of business and organizations. The aim is to gain a deeper understanding of human behavior in economic contexts. This includes topics such as employee motivation, team dynamics, leadership, marketing psychology and organizational development.

By applying psychological principles in business areas such as human resources, marketing and management, business psychology helps to develop more effective strategies, increase job satisfaction and promote the success of companies. Overall, business psychology represents a bridge between psychology and business, which serves to understand and improve human behaviour in organizational contexts.

Shot of young man studying in college library sitting at table with laptop and books. Male university student preparing notes for the exam at library.

Your Bachelor's degree in Business Psychology part-time at INU

Studying business psychology gives you the opportunity to apply psychological principles in economic and organizational contexts. You will develop a deep understanding of human behavior in companies, which not only promotes your personal development, but also opens up a wide range of career opportunities.

This discipline opens doors to various career paths, including human resources, marketing, organizational development and management consulting. The knowledge acquired and the skills developed can be used in many different ways and are in great demand in various professional environments.

The best thing about your online studies? Our acceptance into the degree program is uncomplicated. This means that you can study with us without any NC or waiting semesters!

The structure of the Business Psychology (B.Sc.) course corresponds with the recommendations of the Gesellschaft für angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie e.V. (GWPs) and the Berufsverband Deutscher Psychologinnen und Psychologen (BDP) and is recognized accordingly.

Would you like to know more or apply?

We will be happy to advise you personally on the content, requirements, formalities, degree programs, tuition fees and costs and registration.

If you have already studied, there is the possibility of credit transfer. We also be happy to help you with this. Simply contact us before or after admission.

Study content - what you will learn with us

Our online introductory project prepares you optimally for your digital studies, gives you insights into business and legal topics and makes it easier for you to start your part-time studies.

In the first semesters, you will learn the basics of economics, build your knowledge base and skills in employment law and also position yourself internationally with business English and intercultural communication. You will also analyze business and corporate ethics from a psychological perspective. Building on the basics, you will then deal with topics such as communication psychology, social psychology and developmental psychology and have the opportunity to delve deeper into the subject matter in an empirical research project and a practical project. . With the choice of
two focal points shape your career right from the start.

Your interests - your specialization!

From the fourth semester onwards, you choose two focus fields and specialize for your Bachelor’s degree. There are plenty of options – and not just regarding the business sector. You have two options:

Graphics major
Graphic of a green line
Graphic of a green line
Graphic of a one

Option 1:

Graphic of a two

Option 2:

You select a specialisation from the Business Psychology degree program as well as another specialisation from another Bachelor's degree program. Here we currently offer you the following cross-course selection options:

From the Psychology degree program

Option 2:

From the International Business Administration degree program

The modules and content of your part-time degree program

ECTS points per semester
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Subject area: Introduction to Self-Organized Learning *
Introduction project for self-organized learning
Subject area: Fundamentals of Economics
Fundamentals of Business Administration
External and Internal Accounting
Subject area: Statistics and Scientific and Research Methodology
Statistics I
Statistics II
Scientific work and empirical research methods
Business Intelligence and Data Science Management
Empirical Research Methods II
Subject area: Legal Competencies
Civil Law and Labor Law
Subject area: Business English and Intercultural Competencies
Business English and Intercultural Communication
Business and Corporate Ethics
Subject area: Practical Competencies
Empirical research project
Practical Project
Communication Psychology
Subject area: Business Psychology and Psychology
General Psychology I
General Psychology II
Business Psychology
Social Psychology
Personality and differential psychology
Basics of test theory and psychological diagnostics
Biological psychology
Clinical Psychology in Working Life
Developmental Psychology
Subject area: Elective subjects
Concentration I
5 5 5
Concentration II
5 5 5
Subject area: Bachelor examination
Bachelor thesis
Total ECTS points per semester
19 19 25 24 26 23 20 24
Total ECTS points 180

* The introductory project on self-organized learning is an optional, extracurricular module that can be
before the start of the lecture period is aimed at first-year students and provides knowledge about the
online systems to be used in the course of study as well as methods for self-organization.

These can be used as 1. and 2. concentration to be chosen

ECTS points per semester
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6
Personnel Psychology
Personnel marketing and recruiting
Personnel Diagnostics
Personnel development and personnel appraisal
Psychology of Change and the Digital Transformation
Psychology of work and new forms of work
Digital leadership and management
Behavioral Change and Sustainability in the
Digital Transformation
Market, Advertising and Media Psychology
Market and advertising psychology
Media Psychology
Methods of psychological market research
ECTS points per semester
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychological intervention
Clinical psychology of young people
Health Psychology
Fundamentals of Health Behavior
Health Promotion, Prevention and Rehabilitation in a Corporate Environment
Health Promotion in Practice
ECTS points per semester
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
International Marketing Management
Strategic Planning in International Marketing Management
Instruments of International Marketing Management
Research, Analysis and Controlling in International
Marketing Management
International Management
Intercultural Psychology
International Corporate Strategy
International Economic Relations
Sustainable management
International Management of Non-Profit Organizations
Sustainable Business Processes, Organization and Reporting
Sustainable Digital Future of Work and Life

Remark: If you choose the option of part-time study, you will have the opportunity to pursue your studies unhindered by your work while studying, and still have enough time to study.

Young woman doing freelance work from home

You will have mastered these skills after your studies!

  • Your part-time degree in Business Psychology will provide you with a wide range of skills that can be applied both in the field of psychology and in a business context as soon as you graduate from university. Here are some of the most important skills you will have acquired during your studies in Business Psychology:
  • Psychological foundations: A deep understanding of basic psychological concepts, theories and methods
  • Personnel selection and development: skills to assess people for recruitment processes, talent management and the design of training programs
  • Work and organizational psychology: understanding the psychological aspects of work environments, organizational structures and team dynamics
  • Conflict management: skills for identifying, assessing and resolving conflicts in the workplace
  • Occupational health management: knowledge of strategies to promote the mental and physical health of employees in organizations
  • Market psychology: Insight into the psychological aspects of marketing and consumer behavior
  • Communication: Effective interpersonal and communication skills that are important for teamwork and customer interaction
  • Leadership skills: Understanding of leadership dynamics and styles and the ability to motivate and lead teams
  • Organizational development: skills to analyze organizational structures and processes and to implement changes
  • Research methods: Knowledge of quantitative and qualitative research methods to conduct empirical studies and analyze data
  • Project management: Skills for planning, implementing and monitoring projects, especially those in the field of occupational and organizational psychology
Looking Down On Female College Student Wearing Headphones Lying On Bed Working On Laptop

An exciting career awaits you after graduation

With a degree in Business Psychology from INU University of Applied Sciences, you have the best prerequisites for a successful career or for studying further Master’s programs.

Graduates of the part-time Business Psychology course have a wide range of career opportunities in various fields, especially in the course of the digital transformation of work processes. An exciting journey lies ahead of you. Below are some of the areas in which you can apply your expertise after graduating from the INU:

Personnel and Organizational Development

Accompany employees through various phases of corporate change by preparing them for changing tasks with advice, coaching, seminars and training. In this way, you will contribute to the modernization of the company.

Recruitment and Headhunting

As a specialist in the HR department, you look for professionally and personally suitable personnel for newly created or vacant positions. Your business psychology know-how is used throughout the entire selection process.

Marketing Management and Advertising

Thanks to your knowledge of applied advertising psychology, you are in good hands in marketing. You will take responsibility for the successful positioning of companies, products and services on national and international markets. In marketing, you control the use of advertising measures and contribute to the company’s success story.

Other Professional Fields

  • Management of Digital Work Processes
  • Management Consultancy
  • Leadership Development
  • Further Training of Personnel
  • Strategic Management
  • Market Research
  • Organizational Psychology
  • Personnel Management

Key facts about distance learning at INU

state recognized

by the Ministry of Culture & Science NRW


by the Accreditation Council Foundation

180 ECTS

in 8 semesters - 48 months


of courses completed elsewhere

all tests

online with laptop/ PC and Internet

without numerus clausus

or waiting semester


335 Euros per month
2,010 Euros per semester
Total 16,080 Euros


Winter Semester

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