Study Duration:

8 Semester - 48 Months


1st October


335 Euro / month

Form of execution

Distance learning / Online



Reach higher with a part-time degree in psychology

Are you fascinated by human behavior? Us too! Why we humans are the way we are and how our thinking influences our feelings – these are the big questions that we get to the bottom of in our INU Psychology degree program. Our distance learning bachelor’s degree in psychology is the key to an understanding that is not only exciting, but also professionally rewarding.

The fascinating world of psychology - practical and exciting

Psychology is the scientific study of human behavior and experience. At the INU distance learning university, we bring the psychological principles of human behavior to life, because we:

  • analyze how people perceive and interpret their environment.
  • are concerned with thought processes, including problem solving, memory, decision making and language.
  • explore the emergence, forms of expression and regulation of emotions.
  • investigate what drives and motivates people, be it through inner needs or external incentives.
  • deal with the interaction between people and the influences of social environments.
  • are intensively involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders and problems.
  • analyze the behavior of people in the workplace and in organizations in order to promote efficiency and satisfaction.

Your professional degree in psychology at the INU

With the online study program at INU, you learn at your own pace. You read the materials, watch the learning videos and work on the tasks as it best suits your schedule. No rigid schedules! And always available if you want to look at something again. Of course, you can also follow the INU structure of the course content and follow the recommended curriculum.

Understanding course content online, flexibly and stress-free

Nervous about your studies? Don’t panic! At the university, we start with the “Introductory project for self-organized learning”, which prepares you optimally for your studies. Here you will learn the secrets of study organization and receive an introduction to digital communication. This makes studying online at our distance learning university child’s play!

And what is on the curriculum?

  • Fundamentals such as general psychology, biological psychology and developmental psychology
  • Application modules from diagnostic procedures to educational psychology
  • Two specializations in clinical psychology, health psychology or market, advertising and media psychology
  • Systemic coaching, communication psychology and other exciting topics are waiting to be explored by you at our university.
  • You can apply your knowledge and gain real experience in internships and experiments. And at the end of your distance learning course, the Bachelor’s thesis awaits you, in which you can apply all your knowledge.

Specialize in two areas:

By the end of the third (full-time study) and/or fourth (part-time study) semester you will have acquired the basic knowledge of your course and can choose your two focuses. You have two options.

Graphics major
Graphic of a green line
Graphic of a green line
Graphic of a one

Option 1:

From the Business Psychology degree program you select two concentrations in which you will from now on specialize.

You can choose from:

Graphic of a two

Option 2:

Take a major in psychology and mix it with another part-time Bachelor's degree program, e.g. business psychology.

You can choose from:

The modules and content of your part-time degree program


ECTS semester points
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Topic: Introduction to self-organized learning *)
Introductory Project for Self-Organized Learning
Subject area: Introductory events and methodology
Introduction to psychology, its history and (digital)
Research Methods
Scientific Work and Empirical Research Methods
Subject area: Statistics
Statistics I
Statistics II
Subject area: Practice/research project
Empirical research project
Subject area: Psychological diagnostics
Basics of test theory and psychological diagnostics
Diagnostic procedures
Topic: Cognitive and biological foundations of behavior and experience.
General Psychology I
General Psychology II
Biological psychology
Topic: Intra- and interpersonal processes
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Personality and differential psychology
Topic: Psychological application subjects – Basic –
Clinical psychology and psychotherapy
Educational psychology
Industrial, organizational and business psychology
Subject area: Elective Psychological Application Subjects – Specialization (Concentrations)
Concentration I
5 5 5
Concentration II
5 5 5
Subject area: Psychological practice
Subject Hours
Professional practical project
Subject area: Complementary Courses
Systemic Coaching
Communication Psychology
Business English and Intercultural Communication
Subject area: Bachelor examination
Bachelor thesis
Total ECTS points / SWS per semester
22 21 23 23 24 18 22 27
Total ECTS points / SWS total 180

* The introductory project on self-organized learning is an optional, extra-curricular module aimed at first-year students before the start of the lecture period, which provides knowledge of the online systems to be used in the course of study as well as methods for self-organization.
** Extracurricular optional module for which a certificate is optionally available.

These can be used as 1. and 2nd concentration to be chosen:

ECTS semester points
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychological intervention
Clinical psychology of young people
Health Psychology
Fundamentals and models of health behavior
Workplace health promotion, prevention and rehabilitation
Health promotion practice – fields of application
Market, Advertising and Media Psychology
Market and Advertising Psychology
Media Psychology
Methods of Psychological Market Research

The second concentration may be chosen alternatively from the following options:

ECTS semester points
Module name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Personnel Psychology
Personnel Marketing and Recruiting
Personnel Diagnostics
Personnel Development and Personnel Appraisal
Behavioral Change and Sustainability in the Digital Transformation
Psychology of work and new forms of work
Digital Leadership and Management
Behavioral Change and Sustainability in the Digital Transformation

And then what?
Your career starts here!

With your freshly completed Bachelor’s degree, you can take the next step andstart a Master’s degree in psychology and qualify as a psychologist. However, it is not possible to qualify as a licensed psychotherapist.

Or you can get started straight away with your degree! The INU team is there to help you find a career if you want to get started right away. Many exciting paths are open to you.

Psychological consulting in human resource management

Would you like to use your psychological knowledge in the field of business? In large companies, personnel psychologists play a key role in human resources. They are responsible for selection processes such as assessment centers, the planning of training courses and seminars and the early identification of team dissatisfaction through employee surveys.

Psychological consulting in organizational development

For those who are particularly enthusiastic about organizational psychology, a challenging task in organizational development awaits. As an architect, you will design company-related strategies, manage change processes and act as a personal coach for managers. At the same time, you maintain an overview of how digitalization is influencing company values.

Psychological counseling in the field of health psychology and educational psychology

A career in health psychology is the right path for many people. As a psychologist, you help people to improve their lives by changing their behavior. You develop programs to prevent disorders such as stress management or to eliminate existing problems, for example through nutritional advice. In companies, you will also design programs for preventive healthcare and modern workplace design.

Other fields

  • Occupational health and safety: advice on topics such as workplace design and health prevention
  • Personnel consulting: Identifying and attracting the best talent
  • Organizational consulting: Supporting change processes in companies
  • Market research: collecting and analyzing data for evaluation
  • Educational psychology: developing new teaching concepts
  • Environmental psychology: answering questions about sustainability with confidence
  • Political consulting: Consulting in the field of tension between science and politics
  • Traffic psychology: understanding people’s behavior in traffic
  • Sports psychology: counseling competitive athletes with the best tricks

Key facts about distance learning at INU

state recognized

by the Ministry of Culture & Science NRW


by the Accreditation Council Foundation

180 ECTS

in 8 semesters - 48 months


of courses completed elsewhere

all tests

online with laptop/ PC and Internet

without numerus clausus

or waiting semester


335 Euros per month
2,010 Euros per semester
Total 16,080 Euros


Winter Semester

And if you have studied before - under certain conditions we can also award you credits. Sounds good, doesn't it?

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INU's degree programs.

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