After INU already passed the concept accreditation process in September 2022 by the Science Council (WR) successfully completed and, at the beginning of December 2022, received the unconditional accreditation of all INU degree programs by the Foundation Accreditation Council was pronounced until March 31, 2031, this was followed at the end of December 2022 by the approval of all INU degree programs as distance learning programs by the ZFU (State Central Office for Distance Learning).
Based on the positive WR vote and the unconditional accreditation of INU’s degree programs by the Accreditation Council, as well as the official approval of all INU degree programs as distance learning programs by the ZFU, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia the “INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences” at the end of January 2023. state recognition by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia pronounced.
In accordance with §§ 72 and 73 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Education Act (Hochschulgesetz – HG NRW), the “INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences” is thus state-recognized as a university under the sponsorship of INU – Innovative University AG and may commence regular study operations from the summer semester of 2023.
In addition, pursuant to § 2 para. 2 of the Federal Law on the Individual Promotion of Education (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz – BAföG) the attendance of the INU bachelor programs “Psychology (B.Sc.)” (full-time), “Business Psychology (B.Sc.)” (full-time) and “International Business Administration (B.A.)” (full-time) with attendance at a state university within the meaning of § 2 para. 1 No. 6 BAföG is recognized as equivalent and the courses of study are accordingly eligible for BAföG funding.
As of now, INU has thus successfully completed all formal accreditation, admission and recognition procedures and can begin official study operations as a state-recognized university under private sponsorship with the start of the upcoming summer semester 2023.
And from then on, the motto for INU students is: “Design your success” – in connection with the diverse INU options “Study, Work & Travel”.
Welcome to the state-recognized INU – Innovative University of Applied Sciences!