& Future Skills

Well equipped for your professional career with Future Skills...

…in the age of artificial intelligence, digital transformation and constant change. In today’s rapidly changing world, it is no longer just about acquiring specialist knowledge, but also about developing important future skills that are crucial for success in an increasingly digitalized and globalized society.

What are Future Skills?

Der Stifterverband Bildung. Wissenschaft. Innovation. identifies 21 skills for a changing world and summarizes the “future skills” required in our future work in four categories: Key Digital Skills, Technological Skills, Transformative Skills and Traditional Skills.

INU is therefore about more than just know how and expertise. The aim is to develop methodological, personal and social skills. Our study programs are designed to inspire students to think in an inquiring, analytical and creative way. We want to promote independent judgment, strengthen critical self-confidence and create an atmosphere in which students see themselves as active shapers of their own future. Our students should not only become experts in their field, but also visionary thinkers who take responsibility and actively shape social change.

The study programs at NU combine digital skills such as digital learning, digital collaboration and digital literacy with transformative skills such as innovation and change and traditional skills such as problem-solving skills, creativity, intercultural communication and entrepreneurial action & initiative. Projects and practical assignments provide numerous opportunities to apply and train these skills throughout your studies.

Source: Stifterverband Bildung. Wissenschaft. Innovation “Future Skills” 2021

Our teaching approach goes beyond the traditional teaching model by utilizing digital learning methodologies and tools. We create a learning environment that offers space for discovery, experimentation and growth.

Future skills in the INU study program

  • Professional Foundation:
    We provide you with a solid foundation of knowledge in the relevant disciplines. This serves as the basis upon which Future Skills are built.

  • Critical Thinking:
    You won’t just memorize facts but will also learn to think critically and systematically, analyzing information effectively.

  • Creativity and Innovation:
    We encourage your creative development. From problem-solving to idea generation, you will learn to be innovative and adopt new perspectives.

  • Communication and Collaboration:
    Future Skills also encompass the ability to communicate effectively and work in diverse teams. We enhance your social skills and prepare you for successful digital collaboration.

  • Digital Competence:
    In the digital age, mastering collaborative tools and technologies is essential. Upon graduation, you will confidently navigate the digital world.

  • Self-Regulation and Learning Readiness:
    Future Skills include self-regulation and a willingness to engage in lifelong learning. You will develop these traits to respond flexibly to change—because adaptability is the new agility!

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