University Council

The INU University Council plays a decisive role in the strategic planning of the university and has the task of supporting the INU in its future development and providing expert advice.

The INU University Council is made up of six experts from the research and business sector. They regularly advise on the strategic development of the university, provide impulses for new degree programs and research focus and recommend the integration of new teaching methods in academic teaching.


Prof. Dr. Tessa Flatten

Vice Rector International Affairs at TU Dortmund University

Professor of Technology Management

Co-founder and board member of the DLab at TU Dortmund University

Advisory Board CET (Center for Entrepreneurship & Transfer), TU Dortmund University

Advisory Board ITMC (IT & Media Center), TU Dortmund University

Research Coordinator Right for Education

Senior Lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

Member of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce

Member of the Board of the Martin Schmeißer Foundation

Member of the Supervisory Board of Soptim AG

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Deputy Chairwoman

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schmidt

Vice Rector for Studies and Teaching at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Professor of International Management

Lecturer at the Otto-von-Guericke Business School Magdeburg

Member of the Digital Council of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Mentor in the Opportunities Network

Scientific Advisory Board at Beyond Gender Agenda

Mentor for young scientists within the framework of the DFG-funded COMETin program at Otto von Guericke University

University Advisor Enactus e.V. Magdeburg

Expert in academic accreditation procedures (program and system accreditation) at universities in Germany, Austria, Ukraine

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Daniel Jung

Founder and CEO of Daniel Jung Media GmbH

New Learning Entrepreneur

Operator and frontman of the YouTube channel @MathebyDanielJung

Founding partner StudyHelp GmbH

Member of the joint research project AIEDN – Artificial Intelligence in Education

Gesellschaft für Bildungsinnovation e.V.

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Gaby Slezák

Co-founder and Advisory Board Member of Unyted Ltd.

Metaverse pioneer

Consultant at the interface of learning culture, appreciative collaboration and new technologies.

VR ambassador of the global think tank Women in AI.

Development of alternative technologies to existing monopolies, including the creation of a decentralized marketplace for AI-controlled, trustworthy chatbots on the blockchain.

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Prof. Dr. Marcus Pradel

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of INU – Innovative University AG

Previously, he was a member of the Supervisory Board (from mid-2018 to April 2022) of COGNOS AG, where he was appointed as a member of the Executive Board from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2017. In the period between the termination of his Executive Board mandate and the assumption of his Supervisory Board mandate, he continued to actively support COGNOS AG in an advisory capacity. As a member of the board of COGNOS AG, he was responsible in particular for the Management & Design department as well as for the Business Development and Internationalization departments. In his advisory role, he has primarily been involved in various strategic development projects of the Group.

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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hauke Müller-Späth

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board of INU – Innovative University AG

He also acted as the founding CEO of the AG until the end of 2021 and then moved to the Supervisory Board of the parent company as Deputy Chairman from January 2022.

After completing his doctorate at RWTH Aachen University, he worked as a businessman, shareholder and entrepreneur in the fields of materials development and plant engineering worldwide. Since 2008, the focus changed to management consulting with a focus on M&A and strategy consulting as well as business development. Parallel to his professional activities, he has many years of teaching experience, and for many years he has also been increasingly active in the field of higher education.

Building on his many years of teaching experience in the key areas of “Change, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship” as well as “Quality Management” and “Business Mathematics” at various universities and educational institutions, Mr. Müller-Späth was appointed professor at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences in 2007. In addition to his part-time teaching activities, he developed various internationalization strategies for a large educational institution and implemented a large number of international educational cooperations and exchange programs in this context. In addition, Mr. Müller-Späth has been involved in the field of start-ups for many years, in particular accompanying young company founders from the business idea to the implementation of the business concept in all steps towards independence.

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